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UL Solar Data on NREL's MIDC

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The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)'s Measurement and Instrumentation Data Center (MIDC) is collecting irradiance and meteorological data from various stations in the United States. 

As of September 27, 2018, a new measurement station at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette has been added to MIDC. Data is available since August 28, 2018. UL Lafayette is the first entity to contribute to MIDC in South East United States.  The UL Lafayette metrological station and radiometer are installed at the Louisiana Solar Technology Applied Research and Testing (START) Lab in Crowley, LA.

The START Lab is led by Terrence L. Chambers, Ph.D., P.E. The Louisiana START Lab performs fundamental and applied research on new solar energy technologies, with a significant emphasis on economic development, education, and outreach.